Friday, February 15, 2013

The Cat Door to Heaven

Today is Friday, February 15th, and this whole journey with Remington started last Saturday night- the 9th.  Thursday morning we decided to stop all tests and treatments as it is evident that he is not going to recover.  I am actually in disbelief that he is still alive- I have left the vet's office so many times being sure that he will not live more than a few hours.  We are glad to know that he is safe, warm, and most of all he is comfortable.

I have a very vivid picture in my mind of what he is doing:  He is sitting at the gate to Heaven, meowing for someone to let him in.  Yet every time someone opens the gate, he sniffs the air, and sits back down.  He is such a cat, that Remington.

Thank you so much to everyone who has left a comment for us.  We read them all, and they are very comforting.  It is wonderful to feel support from so many people during this difficult time.

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