Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Remington Is Today

Jeff and I just got back from the vet.  To catch you up, Remington has been there since Monday 2/11/13, after being outside in the cold for 36 hours. 

We have learned that Remington was suffering complications of his blood sugar being too high.  He most likely ran away because of that animal instinct to isolate themselves when they are dying.  We feel a lot of guilt that we did not know he was so sick before.

For the past two days, Remington has mostly been sleeping.  Sometimes I when I visit him, there is no response.  

Once Jeff brought a camera with him to take a picture.  He was hoping to find Rem sitting up and better.  That has not happened, and the way he looks is not a way that we want to remember him.

He seems to be comfortable.  Today he moved his head a little, and even shifted his body to get nearer to us.  I feel more at peace- I am prepared for him to go.  But I do have a little hope that he might pull through.  A very small hope. 

Here are a couple of funny photos of him. He has been such a source of laughter in our lives.  Please send positive thoughts his way.

An early family photo

The cat was not a big fan of toddlers, so finding him and Katie taking a nap together was a bit of a surprise.

Remington photobombing a pic of Katie

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