Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Remington's Obituary

Remington Barnes (2001-2013)

Remington Barnes was born in the early spring of 2001 to an unknown birth mother, and was given up for adoption at the age of two months.  He found his forever home with Jeff and DeAnn Barnes of Ames, IA.  He lived in the Ames/Boone area his entire life.  He died on February 20, 2013.

Remington worked as a hunter, a counselor, an entertainer, a wake-up service and a dog trainer.  His primary employment was as a companion through the Fur Shedders and Allied Trades Union.

Mr. Remington was passionate about chasing Tricky Worms, sleeping on damp bath mats, and drinking the leftover milk in Jeff's cereal bowl.  He was an avid birdwatcher, and his favorite season was when the baby robins leave their nests.

Remington is survived by his parents, his human siblings Katie and Erin, and his canine sister Penny.  He was preceded in death by his canine sister Abby Anne Barnes.

A special thanks goes out to the Boone Veterinary Hospital for providing hospice care during his last days. The tenderness and compassion they showed made his journey home much more comfortable. 

In lieu of flowers, gifts in his memory may be sent to the Ames Animal Shelter or a local animal rescue of your choice.

1 comment:

  1. How touching, he was a lucky cat to have you all for his family and you guys were lucky to have him.
