Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Secondhand Stuff

Today Erin was wearing one of my favorite things I have ever bought at Goodwill.
So I had to take a picture.  I found the shirt/dress/whateveryouwanttocallit on a day when I had a coupon, so it was only $1!!!  The leggings are hand-me-downs from a friend, and the boots are from a garage sale (years ago.  Katie wore them- a lot!).
Don't you just love it?  It's Gymboree, and I have already washed it several times (and will have to again- notice that she dripped a tiny bit of her popsicle on it?), and it washes great, sparkles and all.

Right now, the Ames Goodwill has a rack of "Halloween Costumes."  They are not all actually costumes, some of them are just very ugly or very outdated regular clothes.  I was looking through them when I found this:

No, no one in my family is going to dress up as an Arizona Hunter Ed Instructor.  But, my husband happens to collect law enforcement/conservation enforcement patches, so he was happy to get this.  He won't keep the shirt, but it is pretty cool- vintage Cabela's.
This is what I wore to work today.  A velvety navy blue blazer.  I never would have bought this for retail, because I wouldn't be able to commit much money to a velvet blazer. What if you wear it one time and then hate it?  But $3.99?  Sure!

Find anything great this week?  Post a comment!  I haven't figured out how to reply to them, but I like reading them.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! It was the start of quarter bargain room week at the consignment shop here in town! Kids clothes were way picked over and I got there 2 hours after the sale opened! TON of adult clothes, I got myself a few shirts and skirts, then shirts and shorts for various friends. 20 pieces of clothes and two books later i had a trash bag full for $6.42!
