Tuesday, October 11, 2011



The girls and I went to Deal's Orchard by Jefferson on Sunday.


We went for a wagon ride..... beautiful Percherons

I tried to get them to put their ears up for the photo.  Typical mules.
I asked their owner what exactly they were, and he said, "Their mama
 was a Belgian mare, and their Daddy was a travelin' man."


There's something about an old oak tree.  Don't you think?


We didn't buy pumpkins at Deal's...... not when you
can buy them from our neighbor for $2!


Can you believe it?


I love gourds.

I love October.

This guy was on the road on our way there.
 I tried to get him off the road by throwing a rock at him.
 He didn't even flinch, so I thought he was dead......
 until we came home a few minutes later and he was gone! 
So now that I know he was alive I wish I hadn't got so close.

This is what we did with some of our pumpkins and gourds. 
These days our house has more sparkles than Taylor Swift.

1 comment:

  1. Love the sparkly pumpkins!! Glad that you ladies had a good day, other than the whole snake thing!
