Monday, November 12, 2012

A "Fall" Craft

I saw something really cute at the hospital gift shop.  It was three large, glittery, block letters that spelled out "BOO."
I thought that $28 was too much to spend, and I also thought I could make it myself. 

Nothing is ever as easy to make as you think it should be.  I went to Hobby Lobby to buy the letters, but the large letters they had were flat, not blocky so they won't stand up on their own.  Also, they did not have the right letters to spell out "BOO."  Seriously?  It was only three letters!
So I decided maybe it would be better to make "FALL" instead- that way I could keep it up until Thanksgiving, not just Halloween.  I wanted to make "FALL" out of brown glittery letters....... and Hobby Lobby does not carry brown glitter.  Of course.
So...... finally after all those changes I bought the supplies and got started.  Here is what you need:

Large wooden letters (these are 12").  Spray paint them in whichever color you want (or your second choice).

When the paint has dried, put the letters on a cookie sheet.  Paint them with glue.  I used clear Tacky Glue.  Then sprinkle the glitter onto the letter.

Next I tacked little blocks of scrap wood onto the backs of the letters, so that they would stand up.

We have a ledge near the ceiling in the "great room" - it was the perfect place to put this:

I went back to Hobby Lobby today to get some fall-ish decor to put around the letters:

As luck would have it, fall decor was 80% off today!  So I got quite a bit.  It was a great sale.

So, with the cost of the letters, the glue, the glitter, and the fall decor, I spent....... well, I'm not sure exactly, but I do know that it was more than the $28 that the original set of "BOO" letters cost.  But it was a fun project. 

And isn't it pretty?

What do you think- does it look better with or without the flowers behind the letters?


  1. OK so i learned how to post annonymous! Angie

    1. Hi Angie! It took me quite a while to figure out how to post a comment too. And it's my own blog =)

  2. Love it!! Can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!!

    1. Yes!!!! Please suggest a word I could make for Christmas. Or winter.

  3. Really cute!!! I love how you made the second L fall! How about a white glittery "SNOW"?

  4. Love this idea DeAnn! I like the glittery "SNOW"
    Then you could do Christmas themed for December, and all the white glittery "stuff" until February, the month of "Love"

  5. very nice! good thing it is up high so Penny can't get it!

    1. Penny was in the laundry room for an hour today, and she pulled a bunch of stuff off the counter and chewed it up! A plastic plate, sunglasses, shoes, a book..... good thing it was all meant for Goodwill.
