Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Story of our Home, Continued......

We (OK, mostly Jeff) did a lot of work on our first home.  We lived there 11 years, and in that time we replaced and updated almost every single thing.  I'm not kidding, either.  Some of it was a project we set out to do because we wanted a change for the better.  Like when we changed the flooring in the kitchen:

Notice the lovely 1980's pattern in the wood flooring.  And of special note, the deep-pile carpet under the table.  That's right!  The only place where you could sit down and eat in this house had shag carpet beneath it.  I fed my children there from their first foods until Erin was 3!  Scrubbed applesauce out of the carpet more times than I want to remember.  So we were very happy to tackle this project.

The girls were great helpers.

Yes, yes that is a Laura Ingalls bonnet on Erin, backwards.  And Katie was wearing the apron.  Don't you also like to dress fancy when doing home renovations?

Every project was always more work than we planned.  Like here- Jeff had to rip out the floor under the fridge because at some point it had water damage and the wood was rotten.

Other projects we did only because we had to.  Like replacing the heating and cooling system, or the pump in the septic tank.  Or every window in the house.  Or the deck.  But we loved our house and we loved the improvements, and the ways in which it made our lives a little better.  Like paying cheaper utility bills.


The new flooring is called Adura Tile

Or not having to scrub applesauce out of the carpet.

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