Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

I have seen a lot of posts today thanking people for their service to our country.
It is always a good thing to do.

Katie, Ayla and Erin walking to the Riverton cemetery

 But that's not what Memorial Day is about.  
Veteran's Day is about thanking our veterans.
Memorial Day is about the fallen.  (photo credit)
You can't really thank them.
So you honor them- by flying their flags.
Or decorating their graves.
We decorate the graves of our family members because we are lucky enough to not have anyone in our families who have lost their life in battle.

In 2001, Jeff and I visited the In Flanders Field
Museum in Ypres, Belgium. (You pronounce it Eepray)
It is in a place where war raged from 1914-1918, and thousands of lives were lost.  Many, many British and American soldiers died in the trenches here.  
Some of the trenches are still there.  The museum does a very good job of teaching you what war was like in Ypres... and it was terrible.
This is where John McRae wrote the famous poem "In Flanders Field."
This is something I will never forget- the lists of the British soldiers whose bodies were never recovered.
The names go on and on.

What a sacrifice.  

The people of Ypres have not forgotten what our soldiers did for them.

I am so glad that my daughters and their cousin Ayla can spend their day having fun.  I hope that someday they can appreciate where that freedom came from.

This is a poem inspired by John McRae's- and the author is the person who came up with the idea of making paper poppies to sell as a fundraiser for veterans.

We Shall Keep the Faith

by Moina Michael, November 1918
Moina Michael
Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet - to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.
We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.
And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honor of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We'll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields

Friday, May 17, 2013

2013 Dance Recital

One week ago tonight,
we were just getting home from the dress rehearsal of
Erin's dance recital.

We can take photos at dress rehearsal, but not during the real recital.

Erin did great! 

This is ballet- "When She Loved Me"

Tap- I just love these costumes.  And these girls.  They're so beautiful, aren't they?  Erin has been in class with this group for two years and they are all good friends.

Acro- "Cotton-Eyed Joe"

Aren't those shorts beautifully be-jeweled?

Strong girl!

And jazz- what fantastic costumes!

The song was "Amazing Mayzie"- all about those tail feathers.

What a great show Performance Dance Centre!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Week Is All About Dance

Erin's dance recital is this weekend,
so this week is all about dance. 
One thing the girls at her studio do for recital is give each other little gifts or mementos. 
Last year was our first year, and we were caught unprepared- so she had nothing to give her friends. 
This year I was on the lookout for something we could do, so we are ready!  Erin is making them up tonight.

First, she made some magnets with 4 coordinating designs.
Then we made some labels - they say "Have fun at recital,
Erin Barnes"
We put the labels on metal can lids.
And then she put the magnets on.
We are not quite finished- I need more can lids!  But we are almost done.  Now, to
be-jewel a pair of cut-off shorts.  Thank goodness I only have one dancer - I feel for you moms who do this for more kids!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Days #4 and 5

I am still keeping up with the Clear the Clutter challenge- at least 7 items need to go each day. 
Here is what I got rid of this weekend:
A huge vase that we needed to return to a friend
And 2 suet blocks for birds- we currently do not have a bird feeder for these, yet have kept them for a year in our fridge!

2 pairs of too-small boots
2 pairs of brand-new flip flops that are too small =(
2 books
1 baby bonnet that Erin has refused to put away for weeks

And 4 of my shirts and 2 pairs of black pants.
16 items total.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day #3

I hate paper clutter.  I think it is the nemesis of any mom with school-aged children.  I had a huge pile of papers that I needed to go through sitting on my kitchen counter.  And after all these weeks- it was mostly trash.  Wish I would have done this a long time ago!

This was probably over 100 pieces of paper, so I am counting it as my 7 items today.
To read how Money Saving Mom is doing on her challenge, click here.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Wear Your Granddad's Clothes....I Look Incredible

OK, of course I don't look incredible.  Or wear your Granddad's clothes.  But it's a line from this song about buying clothes at thrift stores; and it's really funny.  Disclaimer- if you listen to the song, be aware that it has many bad words in it.  They play a censored version of it on the radio.  But it's funny.
Since it is back to being winter, I got to wear my new sweater one more time this year.
The sweater was from the Ames Goodwill.  It was in the coat (?) section, so it had it's own price tag and it was $5.99.  But it was Gap, and brand-new, so I thought it was worth it.
Khakis are Banana Republic from the Boone Goodwill- $3.89.

And then the boots.
The boots were on the rack at the Boone Goodwill.  Can you imagine my joy at finding them?  I have worn them several times, but when I bought them they looked pristine.  I could never afford these at full retail price.  I paid something like $3.59.

So that was my thrift-store outfit today.  Poppin' tags y'all.
And- I didn't forget to find 7 items to get rid of today for the Clear the Clutter challenge.  Here they are:
Mostly clothes of my own.  But also a couple of baby clothes.  I have a habit of buying baby clothes when I find really cute ones for a steal (like $.25 or something), and then forgetting to give them to the baby I had in mind, and then said baby grows too big...... I need to stop that. 
Have a great day, and I hope you found some clutter to get rid of too!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Clutter-Busting Challenge Accepted

Money Saving Mom is blogging this month about a clutter-busting challenge; you are supposed to find 7 (or more) items to get rid of each day.

The idea is to get things out of your house.  You don't have to throw them away; you can give them to someone else, donate them, recycle them, whatever is best for those items.  I am going to participate because I can always use some help with clutter. 

I thought I would just post a quick picture each day of the items I am getting rid of.  But then, I started worrying.  What if the item was a gift?  What if the gift-giver sees my blog and knows I am getting rid of it?  I would feel really bad.  Then I realized that this very thing is at the root of my clutter in the first place.  Don't we all have stuff that we feel emotionally tied to that we should be getting rid of?

So, what do you all think?  Would you mind if you saw that someone was donating a gift you had given them?  Would you care?  Should I post the pictures? 

I'll start off today with 7 things that should be safe =)

My seven items for May 1st are:
-pair of Erin's jeans that are too small, have holes in the knees and paint on them
-4 pairs of my socks that are too itchy to wear
-1 postcard of our church missionaries that I am supposed to be praying for (this is one of those items that makes me a little guilty.  I am supposed to keep the card on my fridge.  I'll just have to remember to pray by looking at this blog post)
-1 postcard that my cousin Mary sent me a few weeks ago. (I feel safe that Mary won't mind that I am not keeping the postcard forever)