Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Erin's Bedroom

 Having a beautiful home is something that I want, but I have discovered that it doesn't just magically happen.  With me, it's more like a whole lot of hard work.  And a lot of difficult decisions to agonize over.

  Our new house was finished by the time we bought it, so we did not have an opportunity to choose any wall colors, nor did we get the chance to paint before we moved in.  The entire main level has beige walls and ceilings.  And ceilings.  That part didn't strike me as particularly important until we started painting!

The first room we have undertaken is Erin's bedroom.  This is before:

The room is all prepped for painting.  In case you were wondering, the bed isn't usually in the center of the room covered by a sheet.

Jeff's mom- Janet- is very good at painting, so I recruited her help.  She came up very early one Friday morning and we got started.  I was getting the paint ready when Janet mentioned that we probably would need to paint the ceiling white.  Oh yeah.  Luckily we had some paint on hand, and luckily some of it was white.  Painting the ceiling took a long time.  I am not looking forward to doing that in all our other rooms.

When we finally moved on to the walls, the color looked a lot darker than I had planned.  Luckily it lightened up when it dried.  I am not editing the color in these photos at all; it looks different depending on the lighting.


I love, love, love this mirror. 

Remington likes the room too.

Here is her coat rack plain- then we added this:

Aunt Marcy bought the tree decal at Hobby Lobby

Isn't it funny how different the color looks?  Same room, different time of day.


And finally, Jeff hung the Charmin Babies pictures.  These were in the girls' room at our old house, and Erin still wanted them in her room. 

One room down.  The rest of the house still to go.