Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Story of our House: The Next Chapter

As I said in this post, Jeff and I bought our first house in December of 2001.

This photo was taken the day that our offer on the house was accepted- we were so excited to be homeowners.

We lived there for 11 years. The house was a 2 bedroom split-foyer, in a great neighborhood.  But eventually we needed more space.  So in March of 2012 we put it up for sale.

This photo was taken on the morning we moved out-
May 16th, 2012. 

You can see that we made some changes to the house..... like having it painted brown and adding a window to a room downstairs, making it a 3 bedroom house.

Our family has changed and grown a little in the last 11 years!

This is where we moved.  We have more space- 2 acres now, and a bigger house.  The lower level is completely unfinished, but we will have a lot more square footage.  The walk-out basement will also be very useful.

Here we are- 4th of July, 2012.  Hopefully the beginning of many happy years in our new home!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today is September 11.......

and it makes you think about a lot of bad stuff that happened.

But rather than dwell on the people who have hurt us.....

I decided to focus on a way to help others.

I didn't even have a cookie.  But I did have some orange juice!

The Blood Center of Iowa - contact them to donate for their "Remember September" blood drive.